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Monday, January 18, 2010

I need more...

I bought this book quite a while ago.
Its a book about world war 1.
A war that nobody would ever care about because it wasn't really a world war because it only involved europe.
But for me, a world war is a world war when a full scale war happens between 2 or more superpowers.
for instance in 'Red Dawn', a movie depicting the start of world war 3 when Russia and its allies invades the USA. Europe? They decided 2 world war in one century was more than enough. But still, it was considered a worold in the movie. But why wasn't the cold war called world war 3? The two superpowers never did have any direct conflict. The Korean war, the invasion of Afghanistan, the Vietnam war and the cuban missile crisis all had the USA and the Soviet Union supplying weapons and aid to the nations that were in conflict. Indirectly they were at war thus naming it the cold war.

Why am I talking about history today?
Its my birthday and I like to remember the past.
And I ate some more kimchi ramen.

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